Wednesday, September 20, 2006

geysers and mudpots?

Weird dream last night. For some reason Dan and the girls and I moved in to the lakefront house my family lived in when I was younger (the one my mom had to sell after her divorce). We were trying to get unpacked, but we were on the front porch and never seemed to go inside for some reason. Still, we were unpacking. Then we were down on the patio by the water. A lady from work that I don't know very well was over for dinner, and I couldn't figure out why she was there, especially while we were unpacking. By the water. For some reason, there were mudpots and a little geyser in the front yard (between the house and the lake). There are hot/warm springs in the lake, so it seemed to make sense, and yet it really troubled me. I remember searching for the springs while swimming as a kid. You'd swim around, and if you got in just the right spot, the water was warm instead of cold. There was an odd little fence on one side of the geyser and mudpots, which were all in this big jagged hole that seemed to have opened up in the middle of the yard. And the irises that seemed to want to take over the world when I was a kid were almost all dead, except for just a little patch. The Hammock was still there though. How I loved the hours I spent in that hammock staring up at the sky through the trees, listening to the ducks splash in the lake. Mmmm, memories... tinged with strange, odd, weird dream moments......


Anonymous said...

sounds like a story book memory- I didn't know places like that really existed as a kid. what a treasure.

Jenny said...

Heh, to be clear, the geysers and mudpots aren't really there - only in this wacky dream. My mind and memories were still all muddled up in dreamland when I wrote this. :) It was definitely a great place to live as a kid though. I had an uncle who was always mad at my mom, thinking she was depriving and ruining my brother and I by living out in the sticks instead of in the city where we would be cultured. I wouldn't have traded it for anything - being able to drop my books and jump in the lake or lay in the hammock or explore the woods after school was my escape.

liz said...

got it.

it also made me wonder if you recently saw the Dora the Explorer episode with the gooey geyser.

Jenny said...

Funny! Dora is a huge part of our household, I'm afraid. I haven't seen that one, though probably only because we cancelled our cable a year or so ago. Dora dvds are good and great :)